Alicia Varela Carballo


Born in Palma de Mallorca, Alicia Varela Carballo studied at the famous Palucca school in Dresden, Germany. In 2015 Alicia Varela Carballo danced in the Azione Teatrale “Before night comes”, and in 2017 „Au Revoir Euridice“ (a co-production from the Opera Leipzig and the theatre Schaubühne Lindenfels). Since 2013 she is member of the Wagner’s Ring Ensemble, a production from Rosamund Gilmore at the Leipzig’s Oper. During the Season 2018-2019 she performed in the piece „Whispering Widows“ by Yamile Navarro at the Hellerau Festival in Dresden, and in Belmonte Portugal.

Since 2016 Alicia is a member of the Ensemble Juliette Rahon & Co, with whom she was outside eye for the creation of "Nomade". In 2019 she performed the Premiere of the piece "1001 Leben", in Leipzig (Germany). She performed as well in September with the Ensemble at the "Abundance International Dance Festival" in Karlstad, Sweden.